Monday, May 11, 2015

The Endless to do list

Have you ever noticed that you have several to do list? At least I have several. I make one for the house duties that are always there and pretty much never completed. Then I have one of projects for the house that I make and revise constantly. Now I have a to do list of DIY projects that I want to complete. I started making wooden distressed signs for family and friends at Christmas and then sold a few. DIY is not something I want to stress about making money on though. I digress. So what is it about me that wants to complete a list of things? Why do I inherently feel the need to complete and do something all the time. I feel like a failure sometimes to because I haven't completed these random tasks.

So where do I get these ideas? Well, the house duties is obvious...take care of what you have. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." It's also healthy to be clean. It's also an endless task of picking up, organizing and putting up. I try my best sometimes, but most of the time, I let these house chores go until I can't stand it anymore. Keeping a house clean and tidy is hard work. It's a never ending task that I've never felt I had a handle on. However, I am currently reading a book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up. I'll post a review later. I want to implement it's methods this summer while I'm on my summer break. That's just one more thing to add to my list of to do's. :)

I also get ideas from Pinterest. I have about 25 boards that I pin things to and several of those are about decorating, DIY projects to add to decorating, sewing to add to organizing and decorating. Then of course organizing my DIY life and stuff is also making the list. So how does a full-time working mother take care of what has to be done and still find the time to complete at least a few of these projects?

If you thought I was about to give some witty and profound answer, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I do have thoughts about it though. I believe very strongly that we should take care of the cleaning task first. I think prioritizing the projects into what makes life easier and prettier is also helpful. However, if the project is cute, but difficult and beyond your alone capabilities it should probably be moved to a list of things you like rather than the "to-do list."

Through the writing of this post I have come to the conclusion, that if you feel the need to organize your projects and to-do lists by category, you're probably like me, just a dreamer.

My goal for today: Complete one cleaning task and start a new sign. I'll let you know how it goes, after I add "Post to blog" to my daily to-do list!

Laughingly, Lovingly, Prayerfully Yours,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Welcome Back

Wow! Have I really been gone from blogging for 3 years?! I really meant to be more active in the world of blogging, but intentions are often foiled by the interventions of life around us.
Where am I now in life…
Work: teacher, 3rd grade
home: still married, have two children 10 and 13 year old girls
family: We have been dealt some blows. Divorced parents and I've lost my maternal grandfather.
My sister had a child…surprise!! She said she would never have kids…lol. She is so happy about her baby boy though! She's a great mom.
I still go to sleep every night dreaming of what I want to be and how I wish life would be…am still a dreamer, romantic, probably. I'm not sure that I'll ever change that part of myself that dreams of being more.

I am attending a different church and trying much harder to have a real relationship with God. I pray and read the bible more often than I ever have before in life.
I don't know how this blog is going to help others yet…I don't know that it's meant to. I just feel that my words may have some impact on someone. Maybe not today, but some day.

Today I am supposed to start a new run into exercising for health. I will be logging my food and exercise everyday, as well as how I feel physically and emotionally.

Today: I began with 2 cups of coffee with full cream and sugar. I made a herbalife shake with almond milk for breakfast. At lunch I ate a lunch able with barbecue chips and peach tea. At 1:15 I at some cheddar flavored pretzels and a handful of graham crackers when I took my students to the playground for snack time.
At 3:00 I ate a banana. I plan to drink coffee and 4:00 go for my run/walk for 20 minutes.
However, I'm tired and all I really want to do is sleep. I have church at 7:00 and I want to take a nap before I have to get ready to go. I usually take a nap everyday when I get home from work, unless I drink coffee or take a caffeine pill.
I feel happy but not looking forward to my walk/run. Mostly because of the fatigue. I know that if I would make myself exercise though, I would eventually feel better, but the process has to start from fresh.
So I will pray that the Lord lend me some strength and power to motivate me to put on my shoes and hit the road at 4:00 today!