Friday, June 25, 2010


My family and I began planning our beach vacation in January this year. We found our destination, booked our condo and saved spending money for six months. When the oil spill happened we waited patiently believing things would clear up. May 19 was our last day to back out, but still naive, we believed things would be okay. We continued on with plans. We arrived on Saturday evening with beautiful beaches. They weren't spotless, but nice. Sunday, our first full day at the beach was wonderful. The oil was spotty, but the water was clear and beautiful. The days rolled on and the oil became more present. Yesterday, the oil made land in a big way. Not just a little bit here and there, but in huge globs. In the ocean the oil looks like blood. My aunt said it looked like Jaws hit a cruise ship. As the oil hit the beach it turned black. Like someone poured motor oil all over white beautiful beaches! Obviously the waters were closed and the cleaning crews moved in to begin cleaning and containing what they could.
Seeing the oil impact the scenery here was very sad and a let down to the belief that America can do anything. This isn't a natural disaster and America not being able to stop this has put a damper on trust in this country that I've lived and believed in my whole life. We are no longer a nation that takes of its own. We are like all the rest. Lazy and only taking care of what we are told we have to. Obviously my confidence in my people, neighbors and government is shattered through this incident that is ruining an entire economy, livelihood and ecosystem!

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